know minister Ahmad Maslan personally. He is a pleasant fellow on the
whole. Most of them are- until they become irrational defenders of their
equally irrational leaders.
As a politician however, he can come out with the most madcap of
answers. He is to Najib what Sanusi Junid was to Mahathir. I wonder what
happened to the padi people grew on their rooftops. What happened to
all the trained pig-tailed macaques that can climb coconut trees at
amazing speed? There is a high demand for these animals in by coconut
growers in southern Philippines.
Both of them have the same physique coincidentally. You know what they
say about not so tall people- they are willing to engage you in physical
fights. So I have to be careful with Ahmad Maslan and need to avoid
coming in contact with him at parliament lobby. Furthermore he has a
CGPA of almost 4. A brilliant fellow. Same class as Tony Pua and Ong
Kian Meng.
He is reported to have tweeted about the rise in Ron 95 and diesel. In
2013 as I wrote earlier he defended the withdrawal of subsidy in the
name of subsidy rationalisation because undeserving people were enjoying
the benefits of lower fuel prices. The Mercedes Benz owners, the BMW
brigade were using RON95 and diesel was being smuggled out of the
country. Since he can’t use the same excuses, he has now defended the
increase in prices by reminding people that Najib is the onliest PM in
our history to have reduced the price of petrol by 90 sen.
As the late Pak Sako was wont to say: “Wow!”
Wow indeed because Ahamd Maslan is trying to use a Houdini on us.
Remember when Pak Lah raised the price of RON 97 to RM2.70 after raising
the price twice before? He introduced a scheme where people queued up
at post offices and other paying outlets to get reimbursement or petrol
rebates. We have not forgotten that. At least we, the Honda and yamaha
cup owners, the lower cc cars don’t forget.
Our Najib did not reduce the price of RON97. The price remained as it
was during Pak Lah's time. What he did, or the wily oil companies did
was to introduce a lower octane fuel known as RON95. It was priced at
RM1.80 then. So from RM2.70 to RM1.80, it was indeed a reduction of 90
sen. But it was a different fuel. It was RON95 not RON97 which Pak Lah
raised to RM2.70 per litre.
The price of RON95 since 2009 has now increased to RM2.30. So we can
now conclude and tell Ahmad Maslan at the same time, that Najib is the
onliest PM to have increased the price of RON95 by 50 sen since 2009!
No, we have not forgotten who did what and when.
Impose a tax on petrol and diesel.
Someone sent me a most practical solution to the petrol and diesel
issue. (PnD). Why don’t the governed introduce a petrol and diesel (PnD)
tax on all private and corporate owned vehicles that are above 1600cc?
In my last article, I said the government does not have any clue how to
raise revenue. This is because, they operate from a rent seeker
mindset. Because they own the licenses, monopolies, grants, quota,
authority, they are more obsessed with how to extract more and more. So
let us propose a moderating solution.
We can agree on one point though, that the target groups ie the lower
income people must benefit directly. But withdrawing subsidy because we
want to prevent the undeserving ones from benefiting, we have also
caused collateral casualties. We want to punish the better off, but the
less off get punished too.
Now Ahmad Maslan is always reminding people that the government is
spending around RM21 billion a year on subsidies. By the way, that’s
only a fraction of the outflow of illicit money out of Malaysia.
The PnD Tax. Suppose the tax subsidy is retained. Will the government
consider imposing a petrol and diesel tax? Essentially we know whom to
tax for petrol and diesel, tax the owners of bigger capacity cars and
tax the big diesel users.
Let us assume that poorer people like us drive lower cc cars- maybe
less than 1500cc. not only the cars use less petrol but also incur lower
road tax. The bigger capacity cars, above 1600 are driven by better off
owners. So we tax them. The tax from these, would cover both private
and company registered vehicles.
How do we start? Start by calculating an average annual consumption of
petrol and diesel by these vehicle owners. The work to be done by the
transport ministry people. Once the average annual consumption is known,
that figure can be used as a basis for calculating the proposed petrol
and diesel tax. Suppose the government wants to recover RM8 billion,
they have to work backwards to arrive at the quantum figure on tax. The
proposed tax band would cover vehicles with capacities ranging from
1601-2000, 2001-2500, 2510-3000, 3001 and above.
The government sets a tax rate on these vehicles and collect the taxes
at the next road tax renewals. The tax can be collected by JPJ or any
other authorised bodies having access to JPJ data base. If MYeg uses
this proposal, they would have to pay me.
The PnD tax will also be applied to foreign vehicles. The tax on all
incoming vehicles either from Thailand, or Singapore will be paid at our
customs offices.
The revenue collected will offset the amount of subsidy given out. The
revenue collected from the PnD tax will be credited into a central
subsidy management fund controlled of course by the Finance Ministry.
The government has to implement some kind of PnD tax to redistribute
real income. The better off with higher capacity cars will have to pay
taxes so that they help reduce the subsidy burden of the government
Maybe that will reduce the annual RM21 billion on petrol subsidies and
we can be shielded from Ahmad Maslan’s annoying parrot calls on how much
subsidy this caring government gives out. It has become nauseatingly
irritating. – sakmongkol.blogspot.com
* Sakmongkol AK47 is the nom de guerre of Raub MP Datuk Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz.
Maybe we should impose a petrol and diesel tax
Written By Editor Bebas on Tuesday, 7 October 2014 | 23:10
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